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2018-04-12 10:27        来源:四川大学生命科学学院



College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University Calls for Global Talents


College of Life Sciences, established in 1916, is one of the oldest colleges in Sichuan University, China. During the past over 100 years, our faculties such as the founder of modern botany Chongshu Qian, famous botanist Wenpei Fang, cell biologist Kechang Yong et al have made enormous contribution to the creation and development of China’s biological science. In 2012, the college was selected as one of the Pilot Colleges for National Education Reform by Ministry of Education. In 2017, Biological Science in Sichuan University has been recognized as Class A in the disciplinary evaluation of the Ministry of Education. In addition, our Bio-resources and Plateau Ecology research has been included in China’s construction plan of world-class universities and first-class disciplines (also known as “Double-First Class”). 


Nowadays, the college processes a resourced and rigorous academic staff, which include 150 faculty members, 4 full time National 1000 Talent Scholars, 1 Changjiang Scholar by Ministry of Education, 2 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars,4 National Young 1000 Talents Program, 1 National Teaching Award, 2 National Ten Thousand Program. As well as 46 PhD supervisors, 51 Professors (Principal Investigators), 50 Associate Professors (Associate Principal Investigators), 17 Provincial Academic Leaders,8 Trans-Century Training Programme Foundation for the Talents by Ministry of Education. 


Currently there are four undergraduate majors: Biological Science, Biotechnology, Ecology and Computational Biology. We also have two training bases for National Biological Talents and National Biological Science & Technology Talents. As well as the Basic Academic Talents Experimental Class from Ministry of education, the National Bio Science Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center and the Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center of National Biological Science and Technology. Our Natural Museum, which already has 80 years’ history, is the biggest university museum in China. Nowadays it already collected more than 800,000 plant specimens and 140,000 animal specimens. As one of the first 17 National Experimental Education and Teaching Reform Colleges, we are holding the belief that education system innovation should serve talents training. Current system innovation includes but not limited to: student recruitment, student training program, course design, management and international cooperation.


For postgraduate education and research, our college now has two first-level PhD degree authorization points:  Biology and Ecology. As well as two national key disciplines: Botany and Genetics. We have several excellent research centers such as Key Laboratory of Bio-resource and Ecology, Ministry of Education, National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for Energy Plant Bio-Oil Production and Application, as well as six provincial key laboratories. Recently, our Biology and Biochemistry research ranks top 0.5% in ESI, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Botany and Animal Science, as well as Agronomy rank top 1% in ESI. In the process of “Double-First Class” construction plan, we are specifically interested in Bio-resources and Plateau Ecology research. We are aiming to contribute for the building of innovative country, by advancing the fundamental study and application of specialized ecology system and bio-resource of regional unique ecological environment.


Recruitment Program of Global Experts


Research areas



We are currently seeking candidates at all levels. Provisional research areas include but not limited to: Plant Science, Animal Science, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Ecology,Genetics,Bioinformatics,Microbiology, Cell Biology, Biomedical Science and Veterinary Medicine.

Candidates with following experiences are strongly encouraged: new technologies in bio-resource research, conservation and exploitation of endangered and characteristic species, biological hazard control and utilization of livestock, poultry and crops, as well as plateau ecology.








We are recruiting candidates eligible but not limited to following qualifications:

Level 1:Candidates eligible to full-time National 1000 Talent Program (Youth Program included)

Level 2:Nominators of Changjiang Scholar by Ministry of Education,National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars,National Ten Thousand Program,National Teaching Award

Level 3: Nominators of Young Changjiang Scholar by Ministry of Education,National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars. Faculty members of international research or educational institutes.

Level 4: Young scholars (under 35 years old) Who have a doctorate from the top international universities or research institutes.


Compensation and research support


1、千人计划、长江学者、国家杰出青年基金获得者、国家优秀青年基金、青年长江学者、海外著名高校教授等符合条件的人才,年薪不低于40-100万元人民币, 薪酬根据入选者具体情况面议;




1) Annual salary for candidates meet the qualification 1-3 above: RMB 400,000 - 1,000,000

2) Candidates will be provided with subsidized housing, medical insurance, child education support.

3) College/university provides office and laboratory spaces with state-of-art facilities, as well as starting-up research funds. 





联系人:谭老师 王老师



E-mail: tanfurong@scu.edu.cn



Candidates eligible to apply National 1000 Talents, National 1000 Talents Youth Program, National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars and Changjiang Youth Scholar by Ministry of Education are strongly encouraged to contact us. The college will help every eligible candidate with application.

Address: College of Life Sciences, Sichuan Universtiy, No.29 Wangjiang Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 610064

Contacts:Ms Tan, Mr. Wang

E-mail: tanfurong@scu.edu.cn




